Volunteers from ‘Friends of Cheney Row Park’ (FoCRP) have been working hard over the last year to clear the backlog of historic fly-tipped and other accumulated rubbish, from the edges and wildlife areas of Cheney Row Park.
On the second Sunday of the month, from 11am to 12.30pm, local residents turn up and do their bit. As well as making the park a nicer place to be, it is a great way to spend time outdoors, be physically active, support the natural world and meet the neighbours. Plus people can be surprised to discover that litter picking is a lot of fun, providing feel-good dopamine hits, a bit like scoring points on a computer game!
Litter pick-up sticks and gloves are provided. Get in touch via the website or Facebook if you would like to join in.
The longer-term plans of the group are to start planting flowers such as bluebells and wood anemone in the woody areas of the park.

Friends of Cheney Row Park inform LBWF when doing a litter pick, so that the council knows where the rubbish has come from and that it isn’t fresh fly-tipping. LBWF are great at always coming to collect it straight away.

We always finish with a cup of tea/coffee, a biscuit and a chat.